
Showing posts from October, 2015

Jack the Ripper's Knife & other tales fit and unfit for Halloween

There have been many theories regarding the true identity of the infamous serial killer known as "Jack the Ripper," but the relative of a renowned surgeon who has come forth claiming that his ancestor was the serial killer of Whitechapel claims to have found the very tool of Jack's trade: his knife. Jack the Ripper's knife is also the star of "Bloody Olde Knife," one of the twelve short stories in my anthology, "No Place For Mercy," which is available on In "Bloody Olde Knife," a petty thief digs up the knife in an unexpected place: the old Elmwood Cemetery in Detroit that is home to some of the Motor City's most famous figures. Alongside Civil War veterans lies the earthly remains of Solomon Sibley, Detroit's first mayor, and Coleman Young, perhaps its most controversial. At first considering the knife only for its value in a blackmail scheme, this small-time criminal slowly learns that the knife is taking con

No Place For Mercy press release on NBC, CBS & ABC affiliates!

Great news! – A press release talking about my anthology has just been picked up and published on affiliates of NBC, CBS & ABC: NBC: CBS: ABC: The book is available at 12 intense stories with dynamic characters placed in impossible situations that reveal the true nature of human beings – and non-human beings. Stories that will alternately frighten and surprise you, shock and disturb you and even bring a tear to your eye.