About Angels and Demons


The subject has been covered countless times in novels, movies and other forms of media. Most stories about angels and demons tackle the subject from the traditional approach. The angels are the good guys and the demons or fallen angels are the bad guys. Often the angels carry swords due to Biblical references that were almost certainly metaphors, but there is a clear and obvious line drawn between good and evil.

The main thing that differentiates The Last Angel To Fall from most angel vs. demon stories is that the good guys and bad guys are not easy to tell apart. In most fiction of this type, God's Angels are depicted as dutifully following the Almighty's orders and helping good human beings. The fallen angels are depicted as evil beings trying to lead people away from God and toward their own destruction. In this novel, as in real life, good and evil is just a matter of perspective.

The Last Angel To Fall is a blend of the supernatural and detective-thriller genres that is full of plot twists and surprises that challenge traditionally accepted doctrine. This novel takes a realistic approach to what would happen if a rebel angel fell to earth today. The government would take over and try to prevent the general population from learning what had transpired. In the novel, the State Department immediately takes charge of the case involving this very foreign visitor, with Jubal Stone put in charge of the angel's apprehension.

As in real-life, inter-agency rivalry puts the security of the United States at risk. The State Department has a small 'black ops unit' known as the Office of Asset Recovery, which officially exists as an administrative arm but is actually a covert unit involved in 'wet work' and other forms of illegal operations. This unit has final authority over everything involving Hell and fallen angels. Desperate to maintain control of this mission, they are unwilling to share with competing agencies, but the CIA is determined to wrest control of this most dangerous and sensitive project from State.


The Last Angel To Fall takes an objective modern-day look at these “good and bad” angels engaged in an eternal war for control of human souls and the known universe. The Bible is the source of almost all inspiration for novels about angels and demons, but that tells the story from God's point of view alone. It is an unapologeticaly biased account of the war that does not give voice to the opponent who was exiled. This novel depicts these competing forces without the prejudice of religion.

Jubal learns the 'other side of the story' told in the forbidden 3RD TESTAMENT from an angel expert named Asheba Rain, but he and partner Thaddeus Coleman are suspicious of her motives. Jubal Stone and Thad are in a very tight spot, having to decide whether or not to follow their orders which would help Lucifer or disobey and betray the sworn oath they took to the United States. There doesn't seem to be an actual right decision to this dilemma.

To learn how Jubal resolves this conundrum, read the novel Kirkus Reviews calls “A powerhouse first volume in a supernatural thriller series.” https://t.co/kpAbMgxKRm?amp=1


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