We know that God has rebellious angels cast out of Heaven, but how are they expelled and what becomes of them when they leave?

In The Last Angel To Fall, the last rebel angel tumbles to earth sealed inside a meteorite which crashes on the I-94 Highway between Jackson and Grass Lake, Michigan.

If Heaven exists in another dimension and God wants to exile his enemies into our own, He needs a physical object to contain the rebel before expelling him. In the novel, the fallen one is sealed inside a meteor and sent away. This imprisonment is both a punishment and a necessity to prevent him from wreaking havoc unchecked. Fallen angels are powerful enough to do a lot of damage if released without restraint. They have rejected God's will and seek their own path, so they must be effectively neutralized.

They usually travel between dimensions and fall into Hell, but something has changed. No one can remember the last time an angel was cast out. There is an ominous prophecy about The Last Angel To Fall but it is not God's prophecy. The war between God and the Devil has heated up, and the only way to safely remove the rogue angel is to take the unprecedented step of sending him to earth.


The idea for the angel being imprisoned inside a meteorite was actually inspired by the End of Eternity episode of Space: 1999 starring Martin Landau and Barbara Bain. It was a dark episode with plenty of atmosphere, chilling music and a superb performance by guest star Peter Bowles, who played an alien named Balor who had been "cast out" by his people for his social philosophy.

Above: Balor (Peter Bowles) attacks Moonbase Alpha Commander John Koenig (Martin Landau) in the End of Eternity episode of Space: 1999.


The meteor containing the fallen angel passes over the home of Diplomatic Security Service Special Agent Jubal Stone on Owen Road in Norvell Township, Michigan before it crashes. A severed hand-like talon torn from the angel during this descent lands on Jubal's property. He takes the talon to a geneticist friend for analysis before he knows anything about the fallen angel and the State Department's involvement. The geneticist determines that the severed talon is 'alive' and transmitting, but he can't decipher the transmissions.

The angel inside this meteor has supposedly been emasculated by God and made obedient. Jubal and his partner, Thaddeus Coleman, are told that he will be cooperative when they pick him up. Their boss, Archie Lewis, assures them that the angel has no choice but to comply. All they have to do is report to the crater impact site and the angel will surrender to them. They are not told why this fallen angel was sent to earth instead of Hell because the answer would reveal a terrifying truth that no one in the world is prepared for.

When they arrive at the impact site the angel is gone, and the Michigan National Guard Unit that secured the site has been slaughtered. Emergency vehicles and army trucks have been overturned. Death and destruction are everywhere as bodies, vehicles and equipment have been strewn across the highway and median. The angel that was sealed inside that meteorite is not only running loose somewhere in Michigan, but he's gone on a killing spree.

With help from his geneticist friend, Jubal devises an ingenious trap for his quarry and baits it with something irresistible: the talon that was severed from the angel's wrist during his fall from Heaven. The fallen angel will recognize the transmission and come to retrieve his severed appendage. If their trap doesn't hold him, they will meet the same fate as the National Guard soldiers.

To see how it all turns out, read the novel Kirkus Reviews calls “A powerhouse first volume in a supernatural thriller series, point your browser to:



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